Buying Machetes In Bulk

Well, we’ve been preparing for this moment for what seems like ages -- and in fact has been about eight years -- but now the preparations have taken on a different sense of realism and practicality. We are no longer thinking about things in general terms and broad strokes, we are in the nitty gritty and the nuts and bolts and worrying about things like what seat our composting toilet will have, how much we will be able to fit into the back of the truck for the drive down, how many flashlights and machetes we should take with us, and how many to ship down later?

Yesterday was Christmas, and we took the opportunity to relax and see the friends and family. Now I’m ready to get back in it and get the garage cleaned up, wrap our furniture in moving blankets, pack and stack our some 30 black plastic totes with everything we own and get ready to put it on a boat heading across the world. The date is coming fast, and it is both exhilarating and nerve racking. Luckily I have 8 machetes in case anything gets hairy…


Getting through Mexico With a truckload of shit